“The whole bubbling mass embodies everything that could be said about “Irishness”. Dick's is in fact a unique world that takes exceptional focus to maintain and stamina to chronicle. It is quite remarkable to find it all in the one person in the twenty-first century. This lyric cosmos runs behind Dick Hogan's daily life like an everlasting silent movie. Dick lets the volume and variety of lyrics and melodies celebrate the older world as a holiday for the imagination.”
“He is a tunesmith whose heart, spirit, love and cultural passion are unmatched. Dick Hogan is a musical giant in the widest sense, a gentlemanly Gaelic giant of complete sincerity and virtue. This therefore is a gigantic work from a unique tunesmith, from a warrior who is most likely the last of a line of very rare and very special breed. This work will be a reference source in any house that respects song, in Irish or in English.”
“He has a great gift which carries the listener to the source, into the presence of singers, many, now no longer with us, who have carried this great tradition for generations.”
“When I see Dick coming down the street I immediately know that I can lay aside whatever plan I may have had for the immediate future so as to let joy and frivolity rule unconfined as we set forth on another glorious day of yarns, laughter and song. It is not uncommon for something very akin to a magic spell to affect all present when he sings.”
“Probably Irelands greatest comic singer.”

The Wonders of the World
“Expertly produced by Vinny Kilduff, it shines in an eccentrically brilliant way which typifies the off beat charm that seeps through the performances. 'The Wonders Of The World' is a staggeringly brilliant collection. Hear it and love it.”

“A superb album and a must buy. I've played it a dozen times since getting it and it's still improving each time.”
“The album contains a number of thoughtfully chosen and brilliantly delivered songs. "Pay The Reckoning" believes the highlight of this album is Hogan's solo rendition of 'Muldoon The Solid Man'. Hogan gets the mood of the song immediately and his delivery is perfect. 'Pay The Reckoning' can easily imagine that if Hogan was to sing this at any session or singaround, the room would go pin-drop silent and other musicians would despair of ever being able 'to follow that'”
“The Best Irish Album for years.”
“Probably Ireland's Greatest comic singer”
“A remarkable indepentently produced disc. The kind of singing and the kind of songs you don't hear anymore.”
“With Dick, it's the song that's the thing. There's so much warmth in what he does, not to mention the twinkle in his good eye, that it's bloody infectious. You wouldn't want to be without it.”
“Every now and again, an album comes along that is so different from anything else that it stands out head and shoulders from many others. I can assure you that in 'The Wonders Of The World' is a collection of songs that really are different from the usual assortment. There is a happy cheerful and melodious feel to this entire album, that is seldom found in the soul-searching and often depressing material that is so commonplace in almost all categories of music in recent times.”